We aggregate information from all open source repositories to provide the most of useful open source products, from Enterprise product to small libraries across all platforms. Please search and find what you want.


A lightweight Android development tool. Wraps the Android SDK’s Ant, ‘android’ and ‘adb’.

Create and build Android Ant, Gradle and Kotlin projects.

Integrated Java Debug Wire Protocol debugger.

– Runs on Windows, Linux, and the Mac.

– Supports Gradle:
clean, assembleDebug, assembleRelease, uninstallDebug, uninstallRelease, installDebug, installRelease

– Supports the NDK:
‘ndk-build clean’ , and ‘ndk-build’

– Fast development cycle to build, load and debug your application on the Emulator or your Android device.

Menu options for:
Create (android create project/lib-project)
Update (android update project/lib-project)

Logcat: Color highlighting for warning and error
messages with filter options to block unwanted tags.

Pull Files: Pull files from the Emulator or your Android device.

You’re probably paying too much for cell phone service. Wirefly compares hundreds of plans to help you save. Enter what you need (minutes, data, texts) into Wirefly’s innovative plan comparison tools and see your savings instantly.

Website https://adev.sourceforge.io/