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BeigeUML is an UML diagram editor. It has two user interfaces – ordinary desktop SWING and Android.


1. Supports UML 2.4.1 compliant class diagram, package diagram, object diagram, sequence diagram and use case diagram.
2. It generates UML class diagram from Java source.
3. It’s a doclet that generates standard Javadoc with UML class diagram.

This application you can download from Central Maven Repository: https://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22org.beigesoft%22. There beige-uml-swing-[VERSION]-jar-with-dependencies.jar is Swing application and beige-uml-android-[VERSION].apk is Android application. Android version you can find also in Google Play Store. Its source code you can download at https://github.com/demidenko05/beige-uml

Source of beige-android-demo (demo of Android tree/file-chooser, list-chooser etc.) still here.

Cloudbased voice solutions are common in enterprise networks and frustrating for operations teams to manage. Simplify VoIP monitoring by having a proactive analysis of on-prem, hybrid and UCaaS voice services. Try the ThousandEyes VoIP monitoring solution today, free.

Website http://www.beigesoft.org