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!!!Nova Versão 3.0!!!

O BRLix é um projeto que visa atender aos usuários de Desktop que possuem dificuldade em utilizar as interfaces gráficas atuais do Linux. Com uma interface já conhecida, e aplicativos que facilitam o trabalho, diminui-s.e a curva de aprendizado e torna-se amigável a utilização de um GNU/Linux por um usuário Leigo.

The Brlix is a project to help users who have difficulty using the current Linux graphical interfaces. With an already familiar interface, and applications that facilitate the work, the learning curve is decreased and becomes friendly to use a GNU / Linux for a layman user.

Usem, Compartilhem, Discutam, nos dêem feedback!

Use, share, Discuss, give us feedback!

The SourceForge Speed Test measures Latency/Ping, Jitter, Download Speed, Upload Speed, Buffer Bloat, and Packet Loss. Upon completion, you can view detailed reports about your connection. This HTML5 speed test does not require Flash or Java, and works on all devices including tablets and smartphones. Host on your own infrastructure or use ours. For licensing, inquire today.

Website http://www.brlix.com.br