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Code New Roman

Code New Roman is aimed for use in programming environments and other circumstances where a mono spaced font is specified.
All characters have the same width,
This font based on Ubuntu /Ubuntu Mon and target to be like, MONACO, Consolas/Lusida, ABeeZee and Bitstream Vera Sans Mono fonts.
This font display allowed a design with proportions closer to normal text than traditional mono spaced fonts like Courier. This allows for more comfortably reading of extended text on screen.
OT features include hanging or lining numerals; slashed, dotted and normal zeros; and alternative shapes for a number of lower-case letters. The look of text can be tuned to personal taste by varying the number of bars and waves.download latest version of CNR 2.1, It will resolve all problem in old versions of CNR. And Our recommendation is use font size more than 12px ,This font mainly targets Notepad++ & Sublime editors.thanks for being with us CNR 3 Stable minified Reg/Bol/Ita and BolItal is set 26/06/17

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Website https://codenewroman.sourceforge.io