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I looked for a C to Pascal converter but everything I found was just some simple string replacer.
So I developed this syntax interpreter.
It was born to convert C algorithms included in R language sources to Lazarus. So it converts just functions ad NOT .H files.
It tries to do a ready to compile convertsion.

I put my project here because I hope that someone would continue the development. For me it does everything I need and I will not upgrade this project anymore.

The use is simple, you past in the left area the original code and you take the PASCAL version from the right area.

It is a GPL2 software.

Tommaso Fantozzi

Today’s small-to-medium-sized (SMB) businesses and large enterprises are saving on their monthly communications costs by making one simple decision: to switch to a VoIP service solution from their old, outdated Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS). By choosing a new VoIP service, these companies enjoy the flexibility, reliability, call features, and audio quality that only a VoIP service can provide. Plus, they cut their phone bill by up to 70%!

Website https://ctopas.sourceforge.io
  • It translates IF, ELSE, FOR, WHILE, and many other C statements
  • It translate Pointers, pre and post operators, operators priority etc.
  • It recognizes variable declarations etc.
  • It correctly manages formulas into FOR statement