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Google Chrome (RAM Mode Exe)

Run Google Chrome from incognito mode from a single executable. w/o making a shortcut with
the “-incognito” parameter.

This doesn’t contain any malware. since the files are just Winrar and also the exes are not Batch files but just simple commands running through the same directory as chrome is

This is for the people who really wants to run Google Chrome in incognito mode by default but not having to add a “-incognito” parameter shortcut from the desktop. or perfers to not have any cookies or any history.

The installers and files are portable and Do NOT write to the control panel’s registry. however it does require Admin Rights for installing to “Program Files”

It also does support “GoogleChromePortable.exe” if you want to use chrome from “PortableApps.com”

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT associated with Google. and the files don’t contain anything from chrome itself. It just only has the ability to run in Incognito mode through a single exe.

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Website https://incognitochrome.sourceforge.io