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IMSI Catcher Catcher

This is the source code for our paper:

IMSI-Catch Me If You Can: IMSI-Catcher-Catchers (2014)
Adrian Dabrowski, Nicola Pianta, Thomas Klepp, Martin Mulazzani, Edgar Weippl
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2014

Please be aware, this is not a PUBLIC beta now. We provide this source code for academic research and your own enjoyment.

For a *real* public beta we are still missing the following functionality:
– Automated data export and collection at a central server (that will allow us to optimize and fine tune the rule set, currently we have only local file export)
– User interface to fine tune rule set (eg. using a point-system)


mobile ICC:
This App uses Google Maps for visualization. You will need add your own Google Maps API key into the Manifest file for compiling.

stationary ICC:
This program is designed to run on an ARM/RaspberryPi with a GT864. Please install the RXTX-library for serial communication support.

The SourceForge Speed Test measures Latency/Ping, Jitter, Download Speed, Upload Speed, Buffer Bloat, and Packet Loss. Upon completion, you can view detailed reports about your connection. This HTML5 speed test does not require Flash or Java, and works on all devices including tablets and smartphones. Host on your own infrastructure or use ours. For licensing, inquire today.

Website http://icc.sourceforge.net