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Lib CONIO (conio_am.h) GCC C++

This project presents clone of the Borland Turbo C/C++ or Embarcadero C++ 10.1 ‘Berlin’ library “conio” for the GCC compiler, more precisely for the C++ language in Windows, Linux and Mac OS operating systems.

Because all functions are defined within the header file itself, the installation is simple. Just place the header file “conio_am.h” (CONsole Input Output Advanced Method) inside the GCC includes directory. Or keep the file “conio_am.h” in the same location where the source programs will be compiled.

For more libraries, go to: http://www.manzanosoftware.vai.la

To know my curriculum vitae, go to: http://buscacv.cnpq.br/buscacv/#/espelho?nro_id_cnpq_cp_s=8184615061457853

Augusto Manzano

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Website https://coniohcloneturboccpp.sourceforge.io