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A friend wanted his MacBook Pro repaired, so I managed to persuade him to go for a Linux ‘distro’ and themed it up. I thought others may be interested to use this direct, suitable replacement for OSX, any type…
Based on the UbuntuMate 16.04 LTS variant, so good-to-go until April 2021.
*user/pw combo = live/live*
REMEMBER to ‘apt-update’ and ‘apt-upgrade’ after install to refresh the repositories, and available software…
[The wonderful “Systemback” application used in making of this iso. Please be aware that when a second additional user is created, they will find the desktop is as the source ‘distro’, but that all the additional applications, themes, and wallpapers will be available for use. Also, the system is still the same fully updated. This is the case for all ‘spins’ built using “Systemback”.]
Thanks for trying, and enjoy..!

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Website https://macmate.sourceforge.io
  • "Albert" search tool, 'ctrl+space' to invoke.
  • "Lollypop" music application.
  • 'Full-house' of sound and vision applications.
  • "Firefox" and "Chromium" web-browsers.
  • Thunderbird mail application
  • 'Mac' wallpapers as well as standard themes
  • All MATE themes retained.