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mystreetview chung is a html5 custom version of google maps streetview , fullscreen with recall of the latest visited position and map flyto any position in the world . Explore worldwide streets in 3D photo 360 degrees panoramics views . New (10/12/2016) added a desktop application written in freebasic that launches the web url and filters the nasty blurry screens introduced by google street view api between each move with the keyboard (works with firefox & iexplore & chrome).

Process inefficiencies are a drain on any business, no matter how big or small, so speeding up your workflow is an absolute essential. Download the FREE Top 5 Process guides to better understand how workflow automation looks within each line of business like IT, Sales, Finance, and Human Resources. Remember, just because you’ve established a process within your organization or department, it doesn’t mean that it’s working as well as it could be.

Website http://chungswebsite.blogspot.fr/search/label/streetview
  • can run on localhost directly from your computer desktop
  • new desktop launcher with blurry screens filter (for firefox & iexplore & chrome)