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NMEA Vessel Simulator in Java

Vessel Simulator Program

Java program that simulates a vessel moving on the face of the earth. Assuming you have all
the prerequisites installed you can run the program either directly from eclipse or just
download the JAR file and go “java -jar

Tell your navigation software/whatever to connect to port 2222 of your machine. NMEA 0183 sentences
are sent out from the simulation on port 2222.

In the GUI slide up the speed slider (vertical) to start moving and steer using the steering
slider (horizontal).

Currently there is no facility to move vertically. The altitude is set at initialization and remains where set.


Java of a reasonably current vintage.

The SourceForge Speed Test measures Latency/Ping, Jitter, Download Speed, Upload Speed, Buffer Bloat, and Packet Loss. Upon completion, you can view detailed reports about your connection. This HTML5 speed test does not require Flash or Java, and works on all devices including tablets and smartphones. Host on your own infrastructure or use ours. For licensing, inquire today.

Website https://nmea-vessel-simulator-in-java.sourceforge.io
  • NMEA
  • simulator
  • GPS