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OpenStim is a set of open-source hardware and software designed to administer transcranial direct current stimulation for less than $50.

Recently, an error was discovered in the documentation page describing the commands for setting the stimulation polairty. The documentation originally indicated that setting operating_power to a positive number would set the output from W6 as the anode. This is not correct for the most recent version of OpenStim and has been corrected. Note that the correct cofngiuration is:

If operating power is set to a positive number the output from the digital potentiometer (W6) should be the cathode

If operating_power is set to a negative number, W6 should be the anode

The SourceForge Speed Test measures Latency/Ping, Jitter, Download Speed, Upload Speed, Buffer Bloat, and Packet Loss. Upon completion, you can view detailed reports about your connection. This HTML5 speed test does not require Flash or Java, and works on all devices including tablets and smartphones. Host on your own infrastructure or use ours. For licensing, inquire today.

Website https://openbrainstim.sourceforge.io/
  • Hardware costs less than $50 and can be built in a few hours
  • Supports tDCS, tACS, and tRNS
  • Automatic double-blinding and support for data logging and sham trials
  • Safety features--ramping, automatic shutdown on error detection, real-time current monitoring, self-diagnostics, sensor calibration
  • Reconfigurable via imprint files
  • Automatically detects potential issues in stimulus configuration