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PostgreSQL Portable

This is a zip to automatically run postgresql for Windows. To run must:
1) Unzip
2) Run the file “Iniciar servicio sin usuario.bat” found in the pgsql directory within the folder you just unzipped.
3) Optional. To manage and / or develop in DB Pgadmin3.bat you can run the file
4) Optional. To stop and / or restart the server correctly use file “Detener servicio sin usuario.bat” or “Iniciar servicio sin usuario.bat” depending on the case.
5) To create a new cluster of postgresql, use “Crear Cluster.bat” where prompted the DATA folder path and password for the user postgres.
6) To record the postgresql service, run “Registrar servicio.bat” and to remove use “Quitar servicio.bat”. Works on 32 and 64 bits.

Now, Linux option (archive .tar.gz) . Postgresql Linux portable 9.2

Please read the Wiki and the tickets.
Please use the tickets for answer your bugs.

Usuario: postgres Clave:123

Add new version 9.6 and support to PgAdmin III and 4.

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Website https://pgsqlportable.sourceforge.io/
  • portable
  • lite
  • quickly developement
  • postgresql