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top eleven bot

Top Eleven Bot Copyright (C) 2014 hotted1135
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
requires https://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/

top eleven bot v1.9.1
resolution 1366*768 –good for laptops

how to use:
press 1 for train bot
press 2 for token bot

what it does: train bot
press the arrow key 4 times in your browser
so your lined up with the game
train bot auto clicks the training options
like stretching and stuff every 10, 30, 60 minutes

what it does: token bot
open matomy carousel 6 tabs in apple safari browser
and then it auto clicks the ads
there is timing settings so you can time how long the ads is
option 1 does not work anymore it is there for legacy and stuff options 2+ are for the matomy carousel


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Website https://topelevenbot.sourceforge.io