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WhizDOM is what you want for creating cross-platform web applications and games to be displayed on the web. This javascript engine uses DOM wrapping to create an environment more suitable for developing games and apps.

It is intended for use with most of the leading modern browsers, and doesn’t depend on any other framework.

Today’s small-to-medium-sized (SMB) businesses and large enterprises are saving on their monthly communications costs by making one simple decision: to switch to a VoIP service solution from their old, outdated Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS). By choosing a new VoIP service, these companies enjoy the flexibility, reliability, call features, and audio quality that only a VoIP service can provide. Plus, they cut their phone bill by up to 70%!

Website http://sourceforge.net/projects/whiz-dom
  • Event-driven
  • Fully extendable
  • Class-like inheritence
  • Cross-browser support for modern browsers