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CTruck3D _Open


It’s a 3D, physically realistic truck/car simulator, oriented to dirt tracks. This is subsancially kept as hystorical. The environment is a hilly terrain which can also be user-defined in the form of a Bitmap image file (where intensity of red component defines height). It’s similar to the classic “Terep 2”. Particular care for internal cam. Written in standard C. There’s a Windows executable ready for use, but it’s compilable and playable on all Linux, BSD, MacOSX systems. Official VIDEO presentation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B74QvPGyBYM

The physical simulation was written from 0 of course, so no external ‘third-party’ libraries are used; except GLUT+OpenGL for the graphical visualisation & good interactivity.

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  • realistic physics: it's moreover done internally so it does not use any external ''physics engine'' C/C++ library. Moreover, pieces with different colours have different coefficients of friction: on the dark-brown pieces of terrain, for example, the car slips as on mud; on green it's fairly aderent instead.
  • possibility to read from a BITMAP image file (*.bmp) a 100x100 heightmap and set it as terrain( 'i' button performs this action). The image files for custom maps can be easily edited with programs like GIMP or PhotoShop.A sample heightmap-image is provided.
  • Pentium 2 sufficient to run it *so-so* ; Pentium 3 runs it fluently .
  • when car slips or chassis touches the ground, particles and smoke are emitted.
  • small trees decorate the terrain.
  • There's a ready Windows execuble in the *.zip download, but it is compilable and playable on all Linux, BSD, MacOSX systems. For the compilation, need to have installed the GLUT and OpenGL or Mesa libraries (flagged as -dev !).
  • fairly good control: this allows sporty driving.correct detection of keys being simulataneously pressed or held down. For now this is true only for keys used for driving.
  • polygonal visualisation mode available.
  • still available the old-style polygonal visualisation (press 'm' multiple times to get it). For that mode, a Pentium 2 is perfect.
  • it has a successor, CSTUNTS, which implements this concept 100 times better and is also simpler as to its C code, and look even more like the classic "terep 2"